I had the great pleasure of co-hosting TEDxBrum with Helga Henry at Birmingham’s Millennium Point on 8th June. The theme was “Marking the Map”, and featured speakers across a typically wide range of issues, including the intelligent interpretation of big data, how (and whether) school-teachers can stay relevant, how graffiti art can enhance city spaces, experiments in sustainable design, and how seemingly insurmountable personal set-backs can be the launchpad to hugely influential change in the lives of thousands of people. On the performance front, the highlight for me was the incomparable Mrs Barbara Nice – who showed again why – when it comes to stand-up comedy – she is the teacher (and I was the student).
All Helga and I had to do was turn up and front the day. The real credit goes to the all-volunteer organizing team led by Anneka Deva, the speakers and performers, and the local sponsors.