
Could you find and exploit the hidden gold in your organization by yourself? It's certainly a possibility. Is it the right decision to try? The answer is, "Maybe" and there's information below to help you decide.

The four key factors

Some of the factors you'll want to consider are:

  • Extent of potential benefit – can you get all the juice out? 
  • Likelihood you can achieve it on your own. 
  • Time it will take to achieve it on your own.
  • Effort involved - can you allocate and manage the required resources?

If you're considering the DIY route, then here are some steps you can take to get started:

  • Read Start With What Works and Committed Action by Andy Bass.
  • Get the free resources that accompany the books.
  • Assign a suitable person from your team to study the books and try leading a Resource Treasure Hunt.
  • Join Andy's list (sign up in the footer) for articles and to be informed about free webinars and podcasts.

We are also considering offering an online programme. Join the list in the footer below and you'll be the first to know.

Some questions to ask yourself...

Understanding the principles explained in Start With What Works is a necessary foundation before starting this work yourself:

  1. Do you have time and willingness to familiarise yourself with the principles to the extent that you can get it done in your organization?
  2. Are you and your team able to commit the time and resources required to effectively implement the initiative while still managing your daily operations?
  3. Do you have the capacity to conduct the research and analysis required to validate new ideas?
  4. Can you objectively assess your organization's strengths and maintain a strength-based frame when people want to dwell on problems?
  5. Can you engage your team and create the commitment necessary to execute the new ideas that you'll be discovering?

Request a no-pressure call to consider your options

If you're seriously considering the approach, request a consultation with Andy in which he will talk about your options and help you decide. It's a matter of pride and our reputation for us that there will be zero pressure. We have no interest in selling things to people that they don't need, and we'll be happy to suggest things you can do yourself, as well as discuss your other options. If you like the ideas and find the way of thinking suits you – then whether you become a client, partner or not – we'd be pleased to have you in our network.

Request a call.