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Rationally Fearless™

A Leader’s Guide to Bad Fear, Good Fear and No Fear.

By Andy Bass

It provides ten key ideas:

1. Strategists, know thy fears.

2. Take Fearlessness to the Red-line, But Not Beyond.

3. Understand Real Fears and Real Incentives.

4. Mind Your Language: Stop Talking About ‘Failing Fast’.

5. Distinguish Urgency from Panic.

6. Bring Denial into the Light of Day.

7. Get the Messenger a Bulletproof Vest!

8. Fearlessly Uphold Your Values.

9. Reduce Moral Hazard: ensure People Have Skin in The Game.

10. Make Sure People Fear the Right Things.

If you are in a hurry, the attachment opens with a one-page summary. I’d love to know your thoughts: call me on +44 (0) 121 427 7217 or pop me an email.