The Performance Papers: Incisive Briefings for Busy Leaders

By Andrew Bass

Chock-full of know-how and experience, and written in a style that is both rigorous and refreshingly light on jargon, The Performance Papers is an invaluable handbook for leaders who practise – or aspire to – the art of general management.

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What leaders say about The Performance Papers

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In this book, Andy provides expert guidance for aligning your people with your objectives and turning strategy into action. Particularly beneficial are the short summaries, conclusions, key points, tips and multi-step processes.

Jens R. Höhnel  //  Global Co-CEO / President Europe, International Automotive Components Group (IAC)

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The Performance Papers is an exceptional book – one of the rare ones to leave a lasting impression with me. Every page is packed with insightful information you can put to work immediately.

Karl Pestell  //  Executive Director, Daiwa Capital Markets Europe

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It goes beyond the superficial. It covers a wide range, without trying to shoehorn everything into the framework of one big idea. It’s written by someone with a deep background in a number of fields that aren’t applied to business as much as they could be. Whatever you are trying to do in business, you would benefit from reading this book.

Alastair Dryburgh  //  Management Today columnist and author of Everything You Know About Business is Wrong

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Very practical with anecdotes, real life examples and humour to articulate key points which are equally relevant to large and small organizations.

Jackie Hendley  //  Partner, KPMG and Chair, Birmingham Forward

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Deeply well developed thinking and approach. A must read.

John Handley  //  Chairman, The Green Bus Company and Teamworks Karting plc

From the Introduction…

“As a consultant to leaders, my concern is simple: to help them to improve performance, both of individuals, and their organizations as a whole. In this book I’ve collected together and reedited a set of the papers and articles I have written for clients (increasingly with their incisive feedback during the writing process – something I have always be grateful for and which has led to more learning for both them and me in the process).

Because I work with general managers (and those who aspire to be), the chapters span a wide variety of topics: strategy, growth, leadership, organization and organizational change, executive effectiveness and managing individual performance. The chapters are sequenced in a logical order if you want to read the book straight through, but they are also intended to be easy to dip into as standalone pieces. I want the book to be of practical help as well as to be thought provoking, and for a busy manager that will often mean being able to turn to the relevant page and quickly get a new idea or tool.”