I offer a range of services designed to help your organization, your team and you yourself bring your strategic objectives to fruition more quickly and completely. Each offering is based on my philosophy of engaging with the resources and investments already made in the organization, so that through a true collaboration we leave the organization stronger than when we started.


Strategy Accelerator

Too often, strategies with great promise fail to live up to expectations, or produce too little too late. Executives know that speed is crucial in business, and get frustrated with the many ways their organizations can get bogged down. A Strategy Accelerator project will assist you to:

  • Get things moving and see results happening more quickly
  • Remove blocks and establish the key enablers to bring your strategic objectives to fruition
  • Engage all levels in the organization in making strategy happen
  • Get control over proliferating initiatives and ‘busy-work’ preparations that contribute too little and dilute effort
  • Increased accountability and ownership of results.

Format: Collaborative consulting projects, typically over 60-180 days, with flexible interventions as required, within an agreed framework of project objectives and measures.

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Read more or contact me for a discussion about your particular situation.


“Andy Bass is that rare consulting talent who appreciates the synergy between strategic direction and committed support. He sees the job through until the client sees the practical results.”

Alan Weiss | Bestselling author of “The Ultimate Consultant” and “The Innovation Formula”


Creating Commitment

Leaders know that they need the support of a committed, aligned management team. Whether you have creative disagreements, in-fighting, turf issues or even silent but uncooperative dissent, the dynamics at the top will create the template which resonates throughout the organization. A better template will mean:

  • Greater follow-through on commitments
  • Increased lateral cooperation
  • Less second guessing, rehashing and revisiting old ground
  • Less stress and unproductive hassle
  • Clearer signals about direction to the rest of the business

Typical format: A programme of facilitated meetings supported by 1:1 sessions both in person and remotely,  over 90-180 days. Read more or contact me to discuss further.


“Many thanks for your excellent help with our strategy review process over the last year. I particularly appreciate the help you have given my fellow directors and me in reaching consensus on the future shape and direction of the business. You have also provided invaluable help in engaging our senior managers and staff with the process. Overall the exercise has significantly strengthened the business.”

Mark A Langridge | Managing Director, KMS Insurance Management (subsidiary of Randall & Quilter Plc)


1:1 Breakthrough Intensives

Sometimes what a busy executive really needs is a space, a protected but short burst of time, and a provocative sounding-board. Committing to an intensive session under these conditions can produce amazing progress which is being blocked by the day-to-day stream of interruptions, demands, crises and email.

A breakthrough intensive creates exactly the required situation.

  • Zero in on a key initiative or result that needs a short, sharp focus
  • Deal once and for all with a longstanding issue
  • Get off a plateau

Format: 1:1 meetings in person, by phone, Skype etc as suits our mutual diaries. The duration is short, typically, half a day to two days, often with remote follow-up support. More…


“Andrew has a gift for offering unusual ways to look at issues that make the right decision suddenly seem clear.”

James Stevenson | Group Risk and Insurance Manager, SEGRO Plc


Coaching for Executives

There is sometimes no substitute for interactive, dedicated 1:1 challenge and support. In my work with individuals, my focus is simply this: to help them make a stand-out, career-transforming impact on their organization. I’ve taken three of the most important executive coaching scenarios and created one-to-one programmes for each:

  • Influence 360 – gain the critical support you need to take your initiatives forward
  • First 100 days – accelerate the time you start to show results in a new position
  • Peak Performer: Up to the Next Level

And of course I often create bespoke programmes for specific situations. More…


“I have known Andy for many years and as a consultant, coach and mentor he has the rare ability to mix the theory, intellectual rigour and practicality into a real value added offering to the businesses and individuals he works with.”

John Handley | Senior Director, Lloyds Development Capital


Speaking & Workshops

A good keynote should build enthusiasm, challenge new thinking, encourage new behaviours and skills, and for maximal effect, inspire top performers to greater heights. Workshops, seminars and parallel sessions can create even deeper, more challenging and reflective learning experiences.

My speaking is always directed towards making a difference to business results.  I have extensive speaking, workshop leading and executive education experience across a wide range of sectors, topics, and audience levels.

Format & Duration: Any speaking or workshop format, from a 25 minute keynote to multi-day executive education seminars. More…