The aim of Breakthrough Intensives is to create dramatic step-changes in either individual or whole-business performance.

Some triggers for thinking of how it can be used:

  • “Moving a Metric that Matters” – you pick any number that you measure in your business, and we figure out how to move it up or down enough to make a significant difference: the target is something worth popping a champagne cork for (or at a minimum, we determine objectively that the metric is immovable, and decide on a more fruitful way forward, saving much energy and frustration).
  • “Once and for All” –a problem that’s been taking up too much time, that you need finally to get sorted.
  • “Stuck on a Plateau”– you know that the business should be achieving more, but can’t figure out how.

For the client, it requires committed engagement with the process, which can be quite hard and at times during the session, frustrating, work. The outline process is:

  • an initial scoping conversation to set objectives
  • between half a day and two days of intensive interactive work (it’s tiring!)
  • some possible pre-work if that looks useful and necessary
  • and a debrief of up to two hours a couple of weeks later

I’ve found that management teams can often spend months nibbling round the edges of a question, and awaydays regularly produce little that lasts beyond the day. The idea of Breakthrough Intensives is to offer a meaningful alternative.

Get in touch to discuss whether a Breakthrough Intensive is right for you.