“Delegation is vital: abdication can be fatal.”


If you are running a substantial organization with major, probably overlapping change initiatives being conducted for you by a wide variety of change agents, you have the following issues to contend with:

  • How do you satisfy yourself that you are making progress?
  • How do you ensure that the progress reports you are receiving reflect the real situation?
  • How do you prove to your stakeholders that you are mitigating risks?
  • How do you convince your employees that you really are listening? (Surveys are often done quite well. It’s the feedback process that typically gets fumbled).
  • How do you retain key people – usually those who find it the easiest to move?
  • How do you avoid anxiety, rumour mills and grievances?

Change Assurance provides monitoring/”insurance” of your existing change initiatives, whoever is conducting them.

Typical benefits of Change Assurance:

  • Maintain motivation of staff, especially key leaders from whom others take their cues.
  • Assure good people that they have a role to play, even though that may be changing.
  • Show investment in people: demonstrate the strong commitment of the organization to peoples’ careers and their commensurate development.
  • Mitigate potential negative effects for individuals, relationships, and the organization’s reputation as an employer.
  • Nip problems in the bud and respond quickly to requirements for support.
  • Reassure staff at all levels and ensure continuity of day-to-day business.
  • Identify and (re)deploy talented staff who may be hidden in underperforming areas.
  • Monitor and respond to staff sentiment during the transition.
  • Ensure that people are treated as well as possible commensurate with achieving the required progress.
  • Minimised friction, stress, institutional paralysis, delays or grievances.
  • Retention of key talent vital to the organisation’s plans to achieve its strategic objectives, and avoidance of unnecessary delay, expense and uncertainty of replacement.
  • Provide insurance against lower levels of management missing issues which require attention.
  • Assurance that things really are moving rather just appearing so.
  • Evidence how seriously you are taking transition management both to staff and to influential stakeholders
  • Provide cost effective monitoring of the change and the operation.
  • Effective inoculation against rumour mill

A Change Assurance project can be configured in a number of ways. Get in touch to discuss how it could work for you.