Andy explains some options...

I work with leaders in a number of ways. In all cases we start by getting really clear on your goals and metrics for success. I can then lay out a roadmap to work on together. Here are some typical options:

Option 1: Backstage

In this option, we meet behind the scenes, on a one-to-one basis to work through the roadmap. We’ll meet regularly, often by Zoom. Usually we start weekly, then adjust it as needed. 

As we go, we figure out how best to use your resources, how to engage your people and how to overcome any blocks. I might also call on members of my 'A-Team' of specialist associates to provide some analysis, creativity or additional magic. 

Throughout, I’m available by phone and email to advise on all aspects of stakeholder and communication issues as they arise in relation to your objectives.

When I work with clients in this mode, we often build up a record of our work on a Miro board or similar online whiteboard so we can interact both in real time and between sessions. 

In the Backstage option, I don't interact directly with your people. Clients prefer this when they want confidential assistance, when they want to think through issues too sensitive to be discussed more widely, or when they want to emphasise their personal development. Quite often, they'll choose to combine this option with the following one.

Option 2: With your key players

Often clients want me to work with their direct reports. I typically meet with the team both as a group and one-to-one, in formal meetings and workshops as well on informal calls. As we work though the roadmap, my client and I are able to learn from the members' perspectives, negotiate any differences of opinion, and tap into their combined intelligence.

Among the benefits:

  • It amplifies the effects of our work together. When your team understand the work we’re doing and are fully involved in it, they can transmit it with a sense of ownership. Their conspicuous support will help shape the culture. Also they’ll be able to spot problems more easily and respond without your intervention. Taken together these factors will have a big impact on the rest of the company.
  • It's a great opportunity to support the individual development of your team. As I work with each person I get to know their strengths, priorities and challenges as they relate to the specific objectives we're working on, enabling me to help maximise their contribution and development.
  • It has powerful ‘signalling value’. When you invest in your team’s involvement, it sends a message about your commitment to their development. That can inspire everyone to keep learning and improving, which is great for the long-term success of your company.

Option 3: With the full cast and crew

This option builds further on my work with you and your team. Organizations are full of hidden, under-appreciated and overlooked resources. Many of these nuggets are buried far from the view of the top team. Often the insights of frontline staff, and the organizational know-how of middle management are lost to senior leaders. These represent assets that are already bought and paid for, but which are not being capitalised upon.  

In my books, I describe organization-wide approaches that tap into those resources and produce remarkable results. In this option, we'll draw on these approaches and incorporate them as we work through our roadmap.

Option 4: Onstage

Sometimes you want to inspire and educate the whole organization, either as a quick hit to change thinking, or in support of the wider project. In complete contrast to the pure backstage approach of Option 1, here I'm front-of-house, either as a coach on your presentations and interventions or indeed speaking to your audience myself.

Request a call

Talk to me to understand the options in your specific case. It's a matter of pride and our reputation that there will be zero pressure. I have no interest in selling things to people that they don't need, and I'm happy to suggest things you can do yourself. And if you like the ideas and find the way of thinking suits you, then whether we work together formally or not, we'd like you in our network.

Request a call with Andy.